It's a matchup like this that reminds me that there is a difference between my favorite ride and (what I think is) the best ride.

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There can be 100 identical Rise of the Resistance rides and they'll all be better than the best Pirates ride out there (Shanghai's). Love me some Pirates but Rise is a different beast if we're talking about quality of attraction.

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I'd rate Rise higher than Shanghai Pirates, but it's close. I've only been on Shanghai Pirates once, and I was sure that was the absolute best ride in the world until I rode Rise.

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I don’t understand why having identical rides is a problem. I live in California and go to Disneyland frequently. I haven’t been to Disney World in several years. I would be devastated if the ride was only in Florida.

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Man I'm a big Star Wars fan but I get the pull towards nostalgia. That being said, I don't remember either Pirates ride ever wowing me as a kid the way Rise wowed my then-seven-year-old. And he wasn't a Star Wars fan at the time either. Yeah I know you couldn't have certain things that weren't invented yet back in the day but FLIPPIN LASER BLASTS ZIP BY YOUR EVER-LOVING HEAD!

Sorry Pirates. Both with or without Captain Sparrow, I just can't vote against AT-ATs and raging space battles right outside the viewports.

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