I got stuck on IT'S A SMALL WORLD for an HOUR!! Contrary to popular belief, IT'S A SMALL WORLD is the ride that takes you to Hell, not Mr. Toad's Wild Ride. So, I sided with the losing entry in that bracket. I also voted for Roger Rabbit. I loved that ride.
I got stuck on IT'S A SMALL WORLD for an HOUR!! Contrary to popular belief, IT'S A SMALL WORLD is the ride that takes you to Hell, not Mr. Toad's Wild Ride. So, I sided with the losing entry in that bracket. I also voted for Roger Rabbit. I loved that ride.
I got stuck on IT'S A SMALL WORLD for an HOUR!! Contrary to popular belief, IT'S A SMALL WORLD is the ride that takes you to Hell, not Mr. Toad's Wild Ride. So, I sided with the losing entry in that bracket. I also voted for Roger Rabbit. I loved that ride.
I'm with you, and it didn't even take an hour to convince me.