Here's the thing. The obvious choice is An American in Paris simply on the merits of the ballet alone.

But Judy. Singing the best Xmas song ever. Her ennui and melancholy oozing out of that remarkable two-person closeup.

I could maybe argue that the first hour of American/Paris can get a little sleepy?

Ugh. I know what I have to do...

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I'm actually surprised by the hand-wringing - I think Meet Me In St. Louis is a much better film than American in Paris, and it's not even close for me.

That said, I do definitely agree that Wizard of Oz should still be in the tournament and it's a shame that it's not.

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I am probably an uncultured swine, but I always tune out during AAIP's ballet sequence. MMISL always holds my attention.

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Donen didn't direct An American in Paris, Josh, this is a Minnelli vs. Minnelli matchup!

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I absolutely can see arguments for An American in Paris being a better film (although Gene is truly at his peak with Singin’) but my heart loves Meet Me in St. Louis so much. It brings me such joy.

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Have not seen either, but Gershwin tips the scale for me.

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Clang Clang Clang Went the Trolley is reason enough to never vote for Meet Me in St. Louis (although the Halloween sequence is haunted chef's kiss)

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