I completely sympathize with KotH fans, even as I am very much not one. I don't even know that Fleabag is a sitcom even in the loosest sense, in the way that Eastbound and Down is if you squint hard enough. But it is very good and very popular, so it will probably win. Alas.
I completely sympathize with KotH fans, even as I am very much not one. I don't even know that Fleabag is a sitcom even in the loosest sense, in the way that Eastbound and Down is if you squint hard enough. But it is very good and very popular, so it will probably win. Alas.
I completely sympathize with KotH fans, even as I am very much not one. I don't even know that Fleabag is a sitcom even in the loosest sense, in the way that Eastbound and Down is if you squint hard enough. But it is very good and very popular, so it will probably win. Alas.