Undeclared is my wife’s choice for “show I really wish had more episodes.”

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I'm with your wife. I watched Undeclared long before going back to Freaks and Geeks, and I thought the writing was sharp and the characters relatable (if not always likable). I went into full geek-out mode when I discovered an "Undeclared" t-shirt in a thrift shop after the show was not renewed. I am a proud nerd.

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Mad About You fell HARD in its last few seasons - basically, there was no reason to watch after its third - but seasons two and three remain very underrated with some banger episodes in season three.

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I love Freaks and Geeks as much as everyone else, but Undeclared never did much for me, and a big part of why is Jay Baruchel. He’s just an empty vessel of charisma and acting chops, which even Apatow’s ability to work with a cast can elevate. He’s fine in voice acting, he did solid work for Hiccup in the HTTYD franchise, but every live-action role I’ve seen him in is unbelievably dry.

Archer meanwhile may have overstayed its welcome, but it has one of the best casts I can think of. An easy vote for me.

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I'm not really a huge Mad About You fan, but the last season (and especially the last epsiode) of How I Met Your Mother turned me off so hard from that show that I will always vote against it in this bracket.

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It was a tough consideration for me but in the end I voted for Mad About You SOLELY because it includes Richard Kind as part of its cast.

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I met Richard Kind in an airport a few weeks ago (we were helping each other find the Pre Check line) and he was just a lovely guy. In my head I kept thinking, “I’m talking to Bing Bong about airport security? Really?”

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