The Petries are wonderful people and Dick Van Dyke is a legend. The Bluths are awful and I cannot rewatch the show once while I can watch Dick Van Dyke forever.

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This is the most difficult matchup of this bracket so far.

In the end I had to go with my heart, and no show has ever made me laugh as hard as Arrested Development.

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This is rough. I love both the Dick Van Dyke show and Arrested Development something fierce. And Arrested Development's first season is, alongside Cheers, one of the most perfect first seasons of TV I've ever seen, and I've wathced it more than just about any show of this century. Problem is that each season of AD gets markedly less good, though season 2 is still pretty great and 3 is definitely good. I don't recall Dick Van Dyke falling off in quite the same way, though. But then, I voted for the Simpsons in an earlier round. What to do, what to do.

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