Scrubs is one of my all-time favorite shows. I absolutely love the characters, it's one of those shows that was a relief for me during tough times, and it's never failed to brighten my mood.

It's Cheers in a walk.

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Scrubs was done dirty with this seeding.

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I still haven’t seen the last season of Newsradio. It feels almost like cheating to continue without Phil Hartman. Maybe some day I’ll do it, but the idea still feels wrong.

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Haha, Harry the Hat was the best. :-)

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In defense of The Drew Carey Show, it was a really well-executed, likable sitcom. Nothing groundbreaking, but just very solid and enjoyable.

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I'm pleased SOAP managed to win one round, because I assume most of the voters are too young to have watched it at the time. I remember it quite fondly.

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dammit scrubs is my all time favorite show, but i understand it losing this round.

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