I voted for Curb because I think its highs (Palestinian Chicken, the whole Seinfeld reunion special story, the performance of The Producers) beat Louie's (probably the late night talk show arc). I can't really make it a vote against problematic people because, well, the last couple years haven't exactly been the kindest to a couple of the regulars on Curb either.

Ted Lasso vs. Modern Family is such a tough one because I just completely stopped caring about Modern Family after season 3 or so but on the other hand, Ted Lasso lost me like two episodes *into* its third season. Two shows that burned really bright for me for a little bit and then blinked out of existence. Voted Modern Family, though. Incredible ensemble.

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I admit that I dropped off of Ted Lasso after the first season (thought it was fine but not essential, still don’t get the hype), but from what I heard about its last season, I don’t think it’s right to consider it a comedy. It’s at least on the same kind of dramedy level as The Bear. Still, I agree that Modern Family ran out of steam early and became exactly the show its critics claimed it was all along, so this is a tough one for me.

I’d also struggle to call Enlightened a straight comedy, but I love it so. It makes The Office’s attempts at cringe look absolutely wholesome, so I understand why it’s a tough sale, but I highly recommend it if you like Laura Dern. And who doesn’t?

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I’m not pretending that the “separate the art from the artist” question can’t be complicated and fraught, but I have no problem admitting that Louie is just a damn great show, and that Curb never hooked me the way it has so many. An easy (and very minority) vote.

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Welp, my votes are being demolished right now. Except for Curb, of course. Besides Louis CK being, well, what he is, Curb is just an all-timer, in my opinion.

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I’ve never seen Ted Lasso or Curb, but Modern Family was always funny to me. Easy vote for all the episodes they churned out.

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Between Ted Lasso and Modern Family, those are two shows with WILDLY different quality between their early and late seasons.

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Oof. These seeds are killing me. I'll take Family Ties over 30 Rock every day of the week. I'm over super-high JPM mixed with cynicism. I watched every episode but I can't imagine re-watching. Family Ties is a special sitcom and deserves better than this. Boo. And Curb against Louie - Can I vote them both out now, please??

I left Modern Family long before it ended. And I enjoyed almost all of Ted, so that one's kind of easy for me.

Wow. Apparently this bracket is bringing out some emotions for me!

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