I feel like I'm the only person alive who dislikes both Friends and Seinfeld.

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I love Seinfeld and I’m at best apathetic about Friends, but for the most part I’m much more of a Cheers and Frasier person. If I’m being honest, I find Seinfeld somewhat overrated.

It does seem like between Seinfeld and Friends, you’re expected to prefer one or the other. I don’t know too many people who love both, let alone equally.

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I don't mind Friends (I willingly watched when it was on...), but I actively disliked Seinfeld! So I feel ya!

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My #1 and #3 favorite shows of all time going head to head. Sorry Park and Rec, you ran into the one comedy that can take you down.

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Growing up, we weren’t allowed to watch The Simpsons. I thought it was because my parents considered it inappropriate for kids. Turns out my dad just HATED the show and made us change the channel to literally anything else when it was on. So clearly I’m voting for Parks and Rec!

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